Thursday, February 4, 2010
President Obama ~ Eloquently Incorrect
His speech this morning was very much centered around one overarching theme: it was a call to civility and prayer. Many of the statements and key elements in his speech were hardly surprising. In fact, much to my own astonishment, I found myself agreeing with several of the things he said. For instance, his appeal to civility was very candid. Statements such as, "Civility is not a sign of weakness," and, "The erosion of civility in the public square sows division and distrust among our citizens," are very honest and truthful statements. Regardless of our own belief system, we ought to treat all our opponents with kindness and respect. However, I found that things began to become rather nebulous every time President Obama mentioned the word, "God." I scarcely know what the word implies when coming from his lips, and it leaves me with a great degree of uncertainty. I am left wondering, "Who is this God?"
I believe that the President's fuzzy description of the Almighty is politically purposeful. It is an offenseless, religious maneuver. When Obama speaks of God he does so without defining his terms, and in doing so, he creates his own version of God - an infinite, loving being who just wants everyone to get along, and who sits in Heaven eagerly awaiting our prayers. "Let us be guided by our faith and prayer," said the President. Faith? Faith in what? Faith in who? Obama's claims of belief in an obscure sort of deity do well to bolster his image as a "religious man" - a man with morals and an appreciation for the essentially Christian foundation upon which America was built. Everyone, even Atheists, can appreciate a man of sound, moral, character. But regardless of how the President views himself, his claims of morality are doubtful at best and completely ludicrous at worst. To quote President Obama again, he says:
"Surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith."
This statement is erroneous! Proverbs 27:19 says, "As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man." Therefore, President Obama's political agenda is a reflection of what is in his heart.
Let us pretend for a minute that this "God" President Obama claims to have faith in is the one true God (as defined by Himself in the Holy Bible). Now, if Barak Obama follows God with the faith and determination which he asserted in his speech this morning, then logically his policies would tend coincide with Biblical principles. However, this is obviously not the case. One of the very first things President Obama took an unyielding stand on was "a women's right to choose," or in other words, the slaughter of millions of young Americans each year. Obama heartily supports abortion. Abortion is homicide. There is no other way to correctly explain the procedure - it kills a human being. Anyone who wishes to dispute this statement is foolishly unaware of the fact that life has been scientifically proven to begin at conception. Look it up. This "reflection" of the President's heart that manifests itself in "the right to choose" to kill the smallest amongst us is not biblical, nor is it not godly - it is Satanic.
To conclude, I end with quoting the President once again:
"When we challenge each other's motives it becomes harder to see what we hold in common. We forget that we share, at some deep level, the same dreams."
This statement seeks to lull his viewers into complacent trust. All I hear is, "Don't question my decisions." We share the same dreams, eh? I must confess that my greatest hopes for the future of North America, and the world entire, have never been centered around the legal slaughter of our children. The President often speaks of "freedom and equality," but freedom and equality for who? Somehow, Obama must have either missed or disregarded the memo stating, "Life begins at conception." But more essentially, he is disregarding the decrees of God - a being in which he claims a solid, faithful belief. God has said, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13). Somehow, the President seems to have missed that memo as well.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Church Pamphlet - "Sanctity of Life Sunday"
“Abortion is a God issue, and I think that the first way
you see that is in Psalm 139 where it says, “I am fearfully
and wonderfully made” (verse 14). And the language that
is used is that a baby is knit together in its mother’s womb.
Well who’s the knitter? The knitter is not nature. The knitter
Is God, which means that what’s happening in a woman’s
tummy is that God is at work. God is making a human being.
Now you don’t mess with that. You just don’t get in God’s face
And say, “Let me at it! I’m going to take it out! I’m going to
chop it into pieces.” You don’t do that.”
John Piper
The Sanctity of Life Sunday –
Why do we remember?
The month of January is “Sanctity of Human Life”
month. This particular Sunday, the 24th, has been
singled out especially as “Sanctity of Human Life
Sunday.” Today, we as a Church, along with the
broader Church of Jesus Christ, take time to reflect
upon the splendor and wonder that accompanies
God’s gift of LIFE, and to remind ourselves that this
precious gift is oftentimes devalued by both culture
and society – being deprived and stolen from the
most helpless amongst us.
The necessity of the reminder of the beauty and
dignity of human life is, indeed, significant and
desperately essential for many reasons. As
a Church, this specific Sunday offers us a reminder
that the world we live in, and the ideologies under
which our world operates, are held captive by Satan.
Humanity is indeed a renegade assembly! Mankind
has forsaken the glorious Word and will of the
Almighty and are living in enmity toward His law
and name. As those who are saved by grace, it is no
secret that we live in a world that disregards both
love for God and the importance of living by the
principles set forth in His word.
Thus, today is a sad reminder. It brings to mind the
many gut-wrenching statistics that prevail in regards
to the subject of abortion. Let us not forget that today,
worldwide, 115,000 children will die at the hands of
the practice. When we compound abortion at a yearly
rate it equals a figure of approximately 42 million
children. The amount of children killed yearly by the
abortionist exceeds, by almost 10 million, the current
population of Canada. (*Note – this statistic does not
include those children whose lives are taken through
the use of the morning after pill and thorough the use
of many birth control pills.)
Today we must also be reminded that, in the USA,
43% of all abortions obtained are sought by women
identifying themselves as Protestant. (I am unsure
regarding this statistic as pertaining to Canada, but
you can be certain that our own percentage will
probably closely mirror that of our southern-most
neighbor). This statistic is as troubling as it is tragic.
That figure accounts for nearly half of the 1.21 million
abortions performed yearly in the US. Now we obviously
cannot take the above information and claim that every
women in that 43 % bracket belongs to a Church.
However, regardless of this fact, we cannot forget to ask
ourselves, “Where is the Church?” Have we forgotten our
God-given mandate to, “… rescue those being lead away
to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter”
(Proverbs 24:11)? Are we about the business of holding
out the hope of the gospel to those women who find
themselves unexpectedly pregnant with an unwanted
child, or those who are currently suffering the mentally
and physically damaging effects of post-abortion
Today, let us remind ourselves that these babies are
living beings from the time of conception – being
intricately woven and knit together by the hands of God.
Let us remember and heartily seek to practice what
James calls, “… religion that God our Father accepts
as pure and faultless.” This year, by God’s grace, may
we be dedicated to looking,“ … after orphans … in their
distress “ (James 1:27). After all, there is no group
more orphaned, in every sense of the term, then those
whose parents seek to destroy them.
"We represent Christ in this world. People cannot see
Him; they must look at us—to see a little of what He
is like. Whatever great work we may do for Christ—if
we fail to live out His life of love, kindness and patience
—we fail in an essential part of our duty as Christians."
* Pray! Plead that God would, through the use of
strong, scientific, pictorial evidence, and the
conviction of His Word, open the eyes of the pro-
choice around us and around the world.
* Educate yourself and those around you about the
process and statistics of abortion, and acquaint
yourself with the scientific and biblical nature of the
fetus. Know the facts and develop sound arguments
for the pro-life position.
* Financially support those people and agencies who
seek to make abortion unthinkable. The CCBR
(Canadian Center for Bio-ethical Reform) is located in
Calgary and is an agency worth supporting.
* Something as simple as placing a bumper sticker
on your car that echoes the evils of abortion can cause
others to think about their position on the subject.
*Consider volunteering at the Calgary Pregnancy Care
Center - located in downtown Calgary (
*Strongly promote, and support, adoption. Consider
whether or not God might be leading you to personally
serve the unborn through adoption. A good book
for those considering adoption is, “Adopted for Life,”
by Russell Moore.
“The pro-choice position always overlooks the victim’s
right to choose. Blacks didn’t choose slavery. Jews
didn’t choose the ovens. Women don’t choose rape.
And babies don’t choose abortion."
Randy Alcorn
What Are YOU So Afraid of?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Our First "Sanctity of Life Sunday"
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sanctity of Life Sunday - January 24th 2010
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Freedom of Choice Act - "It's time to turn the page. We want a new day here in America!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Stem Cell Research - Obama's Ethics

Stem cell research, a scientific practice which originated in the 1960's through the efforts and research of Canadian scientists Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till, has recently been infused back into the headlines with President Obama's decision to lift the Dickey-Wicker amendment. This amendment was put place in 1996 as a cap on the use of federal dollars to support and further embryonic stem cell research. Thus, American scientists wishing to dabble in the research of these cells have had to seek funding through private means. However, this doesn't mean that stem cell research has not continued in the United States. While still in office, President Bush happily supported the science in the use of adult and animal stem cells, but kindly refrained from the use of human embryos and fetuses. This was due to a profound belief in the truth that human embryos and the more mature fetus ought to be protected by the government as uniquely human individuals. But with the ushering in of the new Democratic government comes the expected torrent of conservative policy reversals, and the Dicky-Wicker amendment is one of the first to be thrown to the dogs. President Obama, a self-proclaimed man of faith, stated that moving forward in this area of research required a most careful and, "delicate balance." Ahem! This leaves the more conservative members of the USA, not to mention the entire world, wondering how one could possibly offer an ethical and "delicate balance" to the borrowing of embryonic and fetal cells - cells that are inexplicably and uniquely human.