Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Freedom of Choice Act - "It's time to turn the page. We want a new day here in America!"

To begin, I beg a question: How often have you, the reader, sat and mused over what you would do if you were fortunate enough to be entrusted with the title, 'President?' What great changes would you effect on your nation and the world? What good deeds contemplated would spring to fruition and become reality? What is the very first thing that you would seek to accomplish as President of the United States? There are as many possible answers to the above question as there are stars in the heavens or individual minds in the world entire. However, there is a vast chasm which lies gaping, creating a void between imagination and reality. The unexceptional man is left to his musings with the knowledge that they will most likely remain buried in a dream world.
The United States is currently experiencing the imaginings of President Obama. Some of his thoughts and ideologies will soon be turned into reality. Many of the President's musings have been centered around reproductive choice. Obama prepared the American public long in advance that, should he come into office, he would be seeking to promote the Freedom of Choice Act. Not only this, but he defined his support of the bill by the following terms: "The FIRST THING I WILL DO is sign the Freedom Of Choice Act." When I contemplate all of the glorious deeds that might first issue from the mind of a new President, infanticide is not usually among the number.
When looking back over the last few moths to the trail blazed by the Obama campaign, his address to Planned Parenthood, which was made while in the infancy of his candidacy, did well to express his views on reproductive choice. Indeed, it distinguishes itself from the rest of his speeches, addresses on the economy, environment and world relationships, as a proverbial "sore thumb" of the lot. Obama might make every eloquent endeavor to bandage his beliefs of infanticide in the linens of "choice" and "freedom," but in the end, the results of his particular pro-abortion, or "pro-choice" doctrine will speak for themselves.
But what will the Freedom of Choice Act accomplish, you may wonder? FOCA is a repeal on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a law enacted November 5th of 2003, which staunchly prohibits the the late-term abortion of babies. Under the guidance of President George W. Bush, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in good conscience that, "Any physician who, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, knowingly performs a partial-birth abortion and thereby kills a human fetus shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." Not only would FOCA repeal the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, but it would also supersede all local and state laws regarding abortion. In essence, there will be no laws regarding the where, when, why and how's of the abortion procedure. In response to the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and his attempt to, " ... create a new day, here in America," the new President is quoted to have stated, "On this fundamental issue (FOCA) I will not yield, and Planned Parenthood will not yield." Sounds like new day, indeed.
When you get down to the nitty-gritty of the ideology so eloquently spouted by Mr. Obama, it is essentially all about choice and human rights. The word "choice" is obviously loosely defined. Whose choice? This certainly does not refer to the baby in question. In his address to Planned Parenthood, the President defined choice as, " ... how we lead our lives." Interesting. Mr. President seems to conclude that pro-life advocates picket to disregard "choice." This simply isn't true. When it comes down to brass tacks, the abortion abolitionist makes a very weighty choice - they choose life. On the flip-side, the pro-abortion feminist also makes a choice. It is a decision that selfishly, and sometimes ignorantly, covets the remembrance of everything that defined her life before pregnancy. In the name of (what has been defined as) freedom she chooses death. Two choices - two outcomes.
Not only does FOCA seek to supersede every local and state law regarding abortion but if passed, this bill will set the stage for the large-scale continuation of abortion and infanticide for generations to come. Currently, there are more then 550 laws that were put in place by the government to regulate abortion in America. If passed, FOCA will wipe the slate clean, and every possible means of government interference in regards to abortion will be null and void. By making abortion in every form a fundamental constitutional right, the government is essentially allowing the American public to run fast and loose with the practice. Some of the long-term effects of this bill include:
- The right of "Conscience" will be taken away from the doctors and hospitals who feel that it is ethically and morally wrong to perform abortions. Thus, every able doctor will be forced to perform abortions regardless of personal preference or belief.
- Parents will no longer be notified if their daughter is seeking an abortion. Any underaged woman, regardless of how young, will no longer need her parent's consent to procure an abortion.
- All restrictions on government funding will be removed. Tax payers will be forced to foot the bill for the procedure.
- The ban on partial birth abortion and live birth abortions will be lifted and they will no longer be considered criminal offenses.
To further quote President Obama in his address to Planned Parenthood, he ended his speech with the comment that, "We must never be willing to consign a teenage girl to a lifetime of struggle because of a lack of access to birth control." Talk about completely absolving a woman from taking responsibility for her own actions. Statistically speaking, the most dangerous place in America, not to mention the whole world, is to be situated inside the womb of a woman. With the liberals now controlling the house, senate and presidency, FOCA may soon be a reality. If this happens abortion will be used in conjunction with the pill as a means of daily birth control. With no limits and no responsible accountability, the young men and women of America won't have to worry about the consequences of casual or premarital sex. As Mr. President stated in reference to his own children, "I want my daughters ... to be absolutely free to seek their own happiness." This reeks of hedonism. We must, stated the President, find, "common ground based on common sense." To quote my father, "If common sense was common, everyone would have it."
Not one time in his entire speech did Obama reference the unborn. His scope was limited entirely to the woman. The President seems to be carelessly omitting important facts, namely that the body of the baby is not the body of the mother. It is true that the baby lies within the mother's womb, but location does not determine person-hood. The old jackass (pardon the pun) populist belief of, "Let the people rule," seems to resurface every now and again in the Democratic ideological system. It seems as if Dr. Suess' Horton hit the nail on the head (he must have been a Republican); once again the Elephants have it right. "A persons a person, no matter how small."
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