Saturday, January 31, 2009
Ideas, Anyone?
Apart from my writings and many musings, I've done very little in the realm of real action to affect a change in the way people view the practice and results of abortion. I would imagine the goal of every abolitionist to be centered around the wish to make abortion a completely unthinkable evil. I desire to confront those around me with such a strong case for truth that they would be loathed to even consider abortion as a viable option. This goal seems exceedingly and entirely out of reach, but as they say, "Faint heart never won fair lady," or in my case,"Faint heart never affected abolition."
Whether or not we see results, the Christian should strive to bring an end to abortion because it is an inferred command of God. To, "Rescue those who are being lead to the slaughter," (Proverbs 23) is no small task, and will require an unceasing amount of effort by a countless multitude of believers. A strong band of brothers with the Bible as our guide and the Lord of Hosts as our General will, I am persuaded, affect much positive change. Although the world may hate us and all of our efforts, there are those few who will, by God's grace, listen and be saved from blood guilt. May God grant us victory to overcome the hardness of men's hearts through the bold and loving proclamation of the truth.
All of our most ardent efforts will be fruitless unless fully bathed in unceasing prayers of supplication. Striving without the help of God would most definitely be a loosing battle. I write the above to remind myself. Oftentimes I research and write about abortion without first praying that God would bless my efforts with fruit to the glory of His name. I find that I am far too concerned with the glory of my own name. I often fill my mind with many sugared thoughts, hopeful to receive the praise of others. Oh how nice it would be to focus on the essentials: the glory of God and the salvation of the unborn, both in body and soul. How lovely it would be to be absent of sin!
I hope that my writings and wonderings are not in vain. There must be something else that can be done ... that MUST be done. I long to be admitted into the high schools in my area, especially in my home town, so that I might be able to present the reality of abortion to the young men and women in attendance. Many of the young girls, as well as their boyfriends, will doubtless come face to face with the prospect of abortion in their adolescent years. This is an unmistakable result of teenage sexual activity. I so wish these young women to be well aware and responsible. I desire to expel ignorance, making absolutely certain that no one in my acquaintance will ever be allowed the excuse of believing that the fetus is simply a mass of cells or a simple blob of nothingness. One can easily abort nothingness without any regret. But the truth speaks for itself. and hard consequences result when one chooses to believe a lie.
So, for now I'm left to write and muse ... wondering what I can do to better leave an impression of truth in the minds of my friends and family. I should be quick to take my own advise and pray. I'm sure God will provide me with some stellar ideas!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Let Us Be Loving ~ Abortion Is a Gospel Issue

Today I was graciously reminded that abortion is a gospel issue. Any action or thought that springs from self-gratification and ignorance to the fact that God's glory should be mankind's principle concern exemplifies a dire need for gospel truth. I do not wish to be ignorant of the fact that abortion often claims more then one life. Although it essentially robs precious existence from the children that are its target, oftentimes, abortion halts and destroys the life of its second victim as well: the woman seeking a simple "quick fix" solution. I sincerely believe that many women are unaware of what is being created and intricately woven together inside of their rapidly expanding wombs.
Countless lies and half truths have been used to mask the reality that the fetus is indeed, a most fearfully and wonderfully constructed little being. In this author's opinion, nothing quite equals the majesty of experiencing a small glance into the delicacy of the womb. To pull files from my own precious memories, I can easily recall the first time I was graced with a peek into the beautiful and complicated world of my own uterus. I was laying there on the table in a small darkened room; my rounded and slightly protruding belly exposed to the probing of the ultrasound instrument. For eighteen weeks prior to that special day I had been left with only my many wonderings and questions: was my baby developing properly? The room was silent as my husband and I watched the tech expertly explore the length and breadth of my womb. And then, as she turned the screen towards me, I was awestruck by the miracle that lay unfolding before me. There, before my very eyes, was my baby. The outline of his head was clearly visible, and one could effortlessly see the beautifully etched out profile of his tiny nose and lips. In amazement I can remember my self proclaiming, "Wow, so there IS someone in there!" I left the hospital that day with a roll of film as long as my arm, complete with a shot of two of the most handsomely crafted baby feet I had ever seen. Oh the wonder of the ultrasound machine!
Ultrasound technology is an essential tool, one that is significantly lowering the amount of abortions performed daily in our world. When a women gains access into the splendor that is woven throughout the darkness of her own womb, and is given the privilege to clearly view the little soul that is taking root and thriving therein, it is valuable pictorial evidence that abortion is indeed homicide.
The choice to rid oneself of an unwanted pregnancy is oftentimes thought of as a necessity. Many women who find themselves in such a precarious situation are often scared and troubled. They know that they cannot possibly handle the responsibility of motherhood, and often base their decision to abort from on information provided them by a physician. "Oh, the fetus is a simple organism; a mere mass of cells," comes the soothing response to their inquiry. Many young women are content to leave their exploration of the issue at that; a simple mass of cells can be easily and unemotionally parted with. What's the harm? None whatsoever if the above conjecture is, in sure fact, a reality. This is why pictorial evidence is essential. The gruesome reality of what abortion does to the unborn, illustrated through pictures, does more then writing ever could. One look at a dismembered and shredded body of something that was, mere minutes earlier, so alive and thriving does well to inform both the mothers in question and the general populace.
Abortion is a gospel issue. Early on in my own research, an essential truth was brought to my attention through a series of sermons I had the grace to stumble upon. The speaker begged a question to the tune of: "What is the good of divorcing the gospel of God from the injustice of abortion? If we throw all of our efforts into striving to put an end to abortion without doing something for the souls of the mother's involved, then we will have failed." If the abolitionist disregards the necessity of the gospel in his fight against the injustice of abortion then the positive result will only yield the salvation of the body while completely neglecting the eternal soul. A clear presentation of the grace offered by God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ should always accompany our most ardent efforts to dissolve the practice of abortion. Through this offering, hope and relief from the bondage of sin will be clearly articulated, fetching the potential for the Spirit of God to work through His word and save his elect, both body and soul, from destruction. Therefore, like everything else in life, abortion is about God. It is evil, not only because it destroys a life made by His had in His image but also because it robs God of what is most precious in His sight; His glory.
In the process of fighting for the precious lives of the unborn, we must be careful not to run roughshod over the women; the mothers. As Christians we must remember that, apart from the grace of God made manifest in our lives, there is no difference between the substance of the saint saved by grace and the murderer. God's saving grace through faith in Christ is the only difference; Christ's righteousness is our only standing. Therefore, we must incorporate Jesus' Great Commission into every aspect of our lives and ministry, seeking to care for the lost souls in our midst. Lord, give us love for these wounded and wandering women who oftentimes know nothing save their own pain, and care little for the life within them that they're destroying. Give us grace to reach these lost and hurting women with the gospel. May our focus be Your glory alone. Amen ~
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Wonder of the Womb

In all of my research on abortion, I am oftentimes faced only with the death and despair that so closely accompanies it. There is very little to marvel about, save when I marvel in horror, at the process of stripping a woman's womb of the precious life it holds, leaving only emptiness behind. One wonders what might have been if the pregnancy lay uninterrupted for the duration of the intended nine months. I have experienced the creative miracle of pregnancy firsthand, and now wish to glory in God's marvelous design of the womb, and its tiny occupant(s), in this blog.
Fast-forwarding past conception, when the fourth week after fertilization rolls around, the fertilized egg, or a mass of cells better known as the ovum, has already made it's way carefully around the bend of the fallopian tube and has securely attached itself to the uterine lining. By this time, the developing baby already has a designated gender and all the cells necessary to make him or her uniquely human. As the weeks continue, one can see the very fingers of God quickly weaving and sculpting this group of unique cells into a little baby bearing the

On a somber note, to interrupt these pleasing images of the beauty and workmanship of creation and turn back to the subject of abortion, more then 90% of all abortions are performed in the first trimester. This means that by the time many women realize that they are pregnant with a speedily forming baby, the little life housed inside their womb is well on its way through developing all of its major systems and organs. Therefore, no abortion has ever simply removed an inconsequential, "blob of tissue," from the womb of a woman. Abortion is a deadly sort of robbery; stealing existence and forever halting the growth of a child who is one minute filled with vivacious life, and the next minute being torn to pieces to the tune of a roaring suction machine and consolation that "it" was simply a, "blob of tissue; a mass of cells."
King David's vivid description of the creative genius of the Lord can be seen most astoundingly in Psalm 139. It reads:
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance, in your book was written every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." (vs 13-16)

The above description, penned by the Holy Spirit of God through the hand of his servant David, differs greatly and most astoundingly from the opinions of today's physicians. They soothe and lull women who seek the quick fix of an abortion with lies and deception. This is why the ultrasound machine is of vital importance in the fight to abolish abortion. The ability to view what was, at the time Psalm 139, a secret which God alone held the privilege to behold, has graced the abolitionist with powerful ammunition to destroy ignorance and replace it with truth. The grace and ability to view all of the intricate wonders of the womb and the developing baby therein has served to save many a child and mother from horrors and consequences of abortion. Ultrasound has removed the misguided notion that there is only the potential for life present within the womb. For when one is able to observe the splendid frenzy of movements presented by a developing baby within the safely of the womb, there can be no doubt that life most assuredly exists.
The design of the womb is amazing indeed! The beauty present in the process of knitting bone, vessels, muscles and flesh together to create a human being cannot be surpassed elsewhere. To quote John Piper, it can only be described as, "God at work!" It has been silently mounted over the mantle of every womb since the beginning of time: God is most assuredly at work! Woe to the man who interferes with the creating hand of the Lord. Such action will only yield judgement and disaster.
Abortion and The Bible

"Rescue those being lead away to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter. If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?"
Sobering words indeed, for God will not hold any of his children guiltless who stand aside and observe the destruction of the innocent with nothing save a mere sigh of regret. No, we must act and do so promptly, for millions lives are disposed of and laid waste due to the practice of abortion. Now is the time for action! If the church, the moral compass, of our world stands aside in procrastination, how can we expect the rest of the world, who knows not God nor loves His laws, to express any amount of outrage?
Located below are some verses that speak of the workmanship of God in the crafting of our species. The Lord is not far removed from His creation as some pagan deities are said to be. Instead, He is intimately involved in the creation of every human being ever conceived. The womb of the pregnant woman wears the stamp and intricate handiwork of a God rich in creativity; the God of the universe who works with flesh, bone and muscle to weave the beautiful tapestry of humanity. Observe:
Genesis 2:7 ~ The LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Psalm 100:3 ~ Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Job 31:15 ~ Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?
Psalm 22:9-10~ Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother's breast. From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God.
Psalm 139:13-15 ~ For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
Isaiah 49:5 ~ And now the LORD says - he who formed me in the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself ...
Jeremiah 1:4-5 ~ The word of the LORD came to me, saying,"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Below are some extra verses for your consideration and reflection. As I read them I find myself grieved that I've spent my 21 years in ignorance and silence. Lord, give us grace that we might be as Jeremiah, bold in the proclamation of the Word of God. Let us fight discouragement and be unafraid. Running the risk of being hated and opposed by the world should not bother us, especially when the alternative is to be found guilty of standing as You would have us stand; strong and bold against injustice.
Psalm 82:3-4 ~ Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Exodus 20:13 ~ You shall not murder.
Abortion Statistics

"Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, "Behold, we did not know this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?" (vs 11, 12)
The above verse not only urges us to "rescue those who are being taken away to death," but offers a strong warning about claiming ignorance as an excuse for inaction. God knows the secrets of men's hearts, and none can escape judgement or discipline through trying to deceive him.
Below are listed some shocking statistics in reference to abortion in North America and the world in general. I read and recount them with a sober heart, asking myself, and inquiring of God, what must be done to put an end to this "holocaust of our times."
Number of abortions per year - Approximately 42 million
Number of abortions per day - Approximately 115, 000
Where do abortions occur? 83% of all abortions occur in developed countries and 17% are obtained in developing countries
(@ Copyright 1996-2008 - Information courtesy of The Alan Guttmacher Institute {})
Number of abortions per year - 1.37 million (as of 1996)
Number of abortions performed daily - Approximately 3,700
Who's having abortions?
- 52% of women obtaining abortions in the US are younger then 25
- Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions
- Teenagers obtain 20% of all abortions
- Girls under 15 years of age account for 1.2% of all US abortions
- 64.4% of all abortions are performed on unmarried women
- Married women account for 18.3% of all abortions
- Divorced women account for the remaining 9.4%
- Black women are more then 3 times as likely then white women to have an abortion
- Women who identify themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the USA
- Catholic women account for 31.3%
- Jewish women, 1.3%
- Women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions
- Shockingly, 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as
Evangelical Christians
Why do women have abortions?
- 1% of abortions occur due to rape or incest
- 6% of abortions occur because of health problems regarding the mother or her child
- The remaining 93% of abortions occur because of social reasons. For example - the child to be born is unwanted or an inconvenience
What is the result of an abortion?

An estimated 43% of all women will have at least one abortion by the time they reach the age of forty-five, with 47% of all abortions performed to women who have had previous abortions.
These facts are and pictures are not only meant to convict us of our own inaction, but should also be considered as fuel to spur us on to good deeds of seeking reformation. Most importantly we should pray for God's mercy in opening the eyes of those in authority over us so that governments and entire countries will be enlightened to the destruction of abortion. The blessed result of, one day, being able to look back into our own history (as an entire population) and lament with sighs and tears that we knowingly killed the most vulnerable amongst us for the sake of convenience, may yet be ours to experience. There is always hope. That is my comfort and my prayer.
A quote by William Wilberforce, lover of justice and historic abolitionist, illustrates the desires of his heart on the matter of abolition:

"So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did the (slave) trade's wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for abolition. Let the consequences be what they would: I from this time determined that I would never rest until I had effected its abolition."
Strong words indeed; words that can be easily applied to the fight against the continuation of abortion in our day. Let us each each take up the cause of abolition on any and every issue that is presented to us by God with such an attitude as the man, William Wilberforce.
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