Today I was graciously reminded that abortion is a gospel issue. Any action or thought that springs from self-gratification and ignorance to the fact that God's glory should be mankind's principle concern exemplifies a dire need for gospel truth. I do not wish to be ignorant of the fact that abortion often claims more then one life. Although it essentially robs precious existence from the children that are its target, oftentimes, abortion halts and destroys the life of its second victim as well: the woman seeking a simple "quick fix" solution. I sincerely believe that many women are unaware of what is being created and intricately woven together inside of their rapidly expanding wombs.
Countless lies and half truths have been used to mask the reality that the fetus is indeed, a most fearfully and wonderfully constructed little being. In this author's opinion, nothing quite equals the majesty of experiencing a small glance into the delicacy of the womb. To pull files from my own precious memories, I can easily recall the first time I was graced with a peek into the beautiful and complicated world of my own uterus. I was laying there on the table in a small darkened room; my rounded and slightly protruding belly exposed to the probing of the ultrasound instrument. For eighteen weeks prior to that special day I had been left with only my many wonderings and questions: was my baby developing properly? The room was silent as my husband and I watched the tech expertly explore the length and breadth of my womb. And then, as she turned the screen towards me, I was awestruck by the miracle that lay unfolding before me. There, before my very eyes, was my baby. The outline of his head was clearly visible, and one could effortlessly see the beautifully etched out profile of his tiny nose and lips. In amazement I can remember my self proclaiming, "Wow, so there IS someone in there!" I left the hospital that day with a roll of film as long as my arm, complete with a shot of two of the most handsomely crafted baby feet I had ever seen. Oh the wonder of the ultrasound machine!
Ultrasound technology is an essential tool, one that is significantly lowering the amount of abortions performed daily in our world. When a women gains access into the splendor that is woven throughout the darkness of her own womb, and is given the privilege to clearly view the little soul that is taking root and thriving therein, it is valuable pictorial evidence that abortion is indeed homicide.
The choice to rid oneself of an unwanted pregnancy is oftentimes thought of as a necessity. Many women who find themselves in such a precarious situation are often scared and troubled. They know that they cannot possibly handle the responsibility of motherhood, and often base their decision to abort from on information provided them by a physician. "Oh, the fetus is a simple organism; a mere mass of cells," comes the soothing response to their inquiry. Many young women are content to leave their exploration of the issue at that; a simple mass of cells can be easily and unemotionally parted with. What's the harm? None whatsoever if the above conjecture is, in sure fact, a reality. This is why pictorial evidence is essential. The gruesome reality of what abortion does to the unborn, illustrated through pictures, does more then writing ever could. One look at a dismembered and shredded body of something that was, mere minutes earlier, so alive and thriving does well to inform both the mothers in question and the general populace.
Abortion is a gospel issue. Early on in my own research, an essential truth was brought to my attention through a series of sermons I had the grace to stumble upon. The speaker begged a question to the tune of: "What is the good of divorcing the gospel of God from the injustice of abortion? If we throw all of our efforts into striving to put an end to abortion without doing something for the souls of the mother's involved, then we will have failed." If the abolitionist disregards the necessity of the gospel in his fight against the injustice of abortion then the positive result will only yield the salvation of the body while completely neglecting the eternal soul. A clear presentation of the grace offered by God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ should always accompany our most ardent efforts to dissolve the practice of abortion. Through this offering, hope and relief from the bondage of sin will be clearly articulated, fetching the potential for the Spirit of God to work through His word and save his elect, both body and soul, from destruction. Therefore, like everything else in life, abortion is about God. It is evil, not only because it destroys a life made by His had in His image but also because it robs God of what is most precious in His sight; His glory.
In the process of fighting for the precious lives of the unborn, we must be careful not to run roughshod over the women; the mothers. As Christians we must remember that, apart from the grace of God made manifest in our lives, there is no difference between the substance of the saint saved by grace and the murderer. God's saving grace through faith in Christ is the only difference; Christ's righteousness is our only standing. Therefore, we must incorporate Jesus' Great Commission into every aspect of our lives and ministry, seeking to care for the lost souls in our midst. Lord, give us love for these wounded and wandering women who oftentimes know nothing save their own pain, and care little for the life within them that they're destroying. Give us grace to reach these lost and hurting women with the gospel. May our focus be Your glory alone. Amen ~
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