In all of my research on abortion, I am oftentimes faced only with the death and despair that so closely accompanies it. There is very little to marvel about, save when I marvel in horror, at the process of stripping a woman's womb of the precious life it holds, leaving only emptiness behind. One wonders what might have been if the pregnancy lay uninterrupted for the duration of the intended nine months. I have experienced the creative miracle of pregnancy firsthand, and now wish to glory in God's marvelous design of the womb, and its tiny occupant(s), in this blog.
Fast-forwarding past conception, when the fourth week after fertilization rolls around, the fertilized egg, or a mass of cells better known as the ovum, has already made it's way carefully around the bend of the fallopian tube and has securely attached itself to the uterine lining. By this time, the developing baby already has a designated gender and all the cells necessary to make him or her uniquely human. As the weeks continue, one can see the very fingers of God quickly weaving and sculpting this group of unique cells into a little baby bearing the

direct imprint of His image. Oftentimes, before the Mom is even aware of her baby's existence, the heart has already begun to beat (week 5), the brain has begun to form (week 5), arm and leg buds begin to sprout (week 5), the eyes are starting to take shape (week 6) teeth begin to take root under the gums (week 7) and the tongue has begun to develop, taste buds and all (week 7)!
On a somber note, to interrupt these pleasing images of the beauty and workmanship of creation and turn back to the subject of abortion, more then 90% of all abortions are performed in the first trimester. This means that by the time many women realize that they are pregnant with a speedily forming baby, the little life housed inside their womb is well on its way through developing all of its major systems and organs. Therefore, no abortion has ever simply removed an inconsequential, "blob of tissue," from the womb of a woman. Abortion is a deadly sort of robbery; stealing existence and forever halting the growth of a child who is one minute filled with vivacious life, and the next minute being torn to pieces to the tune of a roaring suction machine and consolation that "it" was simply a, "blob of tissue; a mass of cells."
King David's vivid description of the creative genius of the Lord can be seen most astoundingly in Psalm 139. It reads:
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance, in your book was written every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." (vs 13-16)

The above description, penned by the Holy Spirit of God through the hand of his servant David, differs greatly and most astoundingly from the opinions of today's physicians. They soothe and lull women who seek the quick fix of an abortion with lies and deception. This is why the ultrasound machine is of vital importance in the fight to abolish abortion. The ability to view what was, at the time Psalm 139, a secret which God alone held the privilege to behold, has graced the abolitionist with powerful ammunition to destroy ignorance and replace it with truth. The grace and ability to view all of the intricate wonders of the womb and the developing baby therein has served to save many a child and mother from horrors and consequences of abortion. Ultrasound has removed the misguided notion that there is only the potential for life present within the womb. For when one is able to observe the splendid frenzy of movements presented by a developing baby within the safely of the womb, there can be no doubt that life most assuredly exists.
The design of the womb is amazing indeed! The beauty present in the process of knitting bone, vessels, muscles and flesh together to create a human being cannot be surpassed elsewhere. To quote John Piper, it can only be described as, "God at work!" It has been silently mounted over the mantle of every womb since the beginning of time: God is most assuredly at work! Woe to the man who interferes with the creating hand of the Lord. Such action will only yield judgement and disaster.
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